Sunday 4 December 2011

Comfy Granny

so i live in London and is already cold. one piece of clothing i always have on is my jumper which i call my 'granny jumper' i love these jumpers soo much and there so comfy and now am starting to see them on trend with the famous peter pan collars. so just to give you guys how is been dressed and put together. btw i forgot to say i love Intrigue U, she has such a great fashion sense. http://www.intriguemenow.blogspot.com/


  1. Here in Australia its summer right now :) But on another note, I really love those knit jumpers. I just love throwing them on with a pair of jeggings. xx

    1. oh i'd love some Australia sun. yh i can see them with jeggings i love em.x

  2. I love granny jumpers, that's all I ever wear now that it's cold.
    Strut Mode

    1. i love them too! it makes u look down to earth but pair it with some cool leggings, jeggings or jeans and in an instant you look fashion fabulous.xx

  3. I love these jumpers because they are a throw on item and they go with almost anything. Seems weird but I always relate these jumpers to summer dresses because they have that same just put it on and go feel which I love!

    1. summer dress yh, i can't wait for summer in london!
