I feel like is been so forever! My things that i wanted to upload on here all got deleted from my laptop and so that was a bummer. Then i got super lazy and did nothing and made out that life was horrible and had my ups and downs and thought about things, went through therapy with my mind AND finally conclude that am just A OKAY. So i did a few awesome things and just let loose. I start thinking about what i want to do, who i want to be. All in a nut shell i was being the thinker that i am. (if that makes any sense) My life now is surrounded by film and TV and also fashion. Am doing a lot of videos for people with a team finally, i have my own team. And am also interning for an amazing stylist who worked with the cast of Made in Chelsea, to xfactor finalist and well known music videos. So after yesterday my first take on the proper job (after just listening and doing small things in shoots and stuff) i broke down and said i hate the whole fashion world, it was so super hard going to PR offices and getting clothes and so many other things, plus being lost in the middle of nowhere and my phone dying! I said that was it, but when the day finished and i came back to the office and saw how everyone was so worried, i gave in again. Now everyone knows i hate that side and maybe should just stick to shoots and casting. I also met awesome people along the waY. I have small dreams that i want to showcase BIG. And am glad i finally found a great circle of people that i can shout, slap and then laugh with. This is kind of long so I'll stop. To end this i just want to say I'll be back posting more things, documenting my journey in fashion and do and show some videos. Am also doing some hair! which is so strange but i found out that am really good at it and people came and asked me, so now am letting my good fellow friends Chels and Marie be my dolls to train on. Am just right! Ta Ta
I follow and stalk you all to see what you been up to too, or let me know. (but am totes not a stalker! hehe.)